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Nine saving tips for super moms everywhere

Nine saving tips for super moms everywhere

After you put in your regular 40 plus hours of work, there’s still many more hours of work to go. You pick up the kids, race to practices, make dinner, help with homework, and the list goes on. So, for all of the super hero mommies out there, we ’ve created a quick list of ways for you to save money and a few extra minutes! Because we know a mother’s job is never done.

Meal plan for the fam. Use a few minutes of your weekend to plan ahead. By making a grocery list, your visit to the store will be quicker and you’ll nix the urge to buy random items. And, by doing all the vegetable chopping, pre-cooking and freezing on Sunday, you’ll save yourself some time throughout the week.

Stock it up. Keep a list of your missing pantry items, so you’ll be well-prepared for any ad-hoc trips to the grocery store. Also, instead of making many frequent trips, wait until your grocery list hits more than five things before you make a visit.

Pretend to dine-out. If you want to spice up your normal dinner routine, try playing “restaurant” with the kids. Assign roles so you’ll have a designated chef, waiter, etc.

Free fun is the best fun. There are free, fun events everywhere…you just have to find them! Check out your local library, museum or zoo (yes, they have free admission days!). Or, if you’re not in the mood to get out, play board games. We like Monopoly and LIFE, both great money smart games.

One woman’s trash is another woman’s treasure. Hunt down the local garage sales: there may be tons of hidden treasures there. Why spend a ton on toys and clothes they’ll outgrow anyway?

‘Tis the season. Buy your winter clothes in the summer and vice versa. This way you’ll always catch a deal. 

Say buy-bye to pre-made baby food. Making your own baby food can save you and it’s a healthier option. Puree fruits and veggies like blueberries, squash or carrots. You can even freeze the food and microwave it when your tiny tot gets hungry.

Decide disposables. Plates, forks, towels and diapers can all be reused. It’s better on your wallet and on the environment. But, if you’re priority is saving time, decide which products to opt for disposable. Maybe diapers and napkins are two items you aren’t willing to reuse. Choose where to splurge and where to save.

Budget it! Like all money savvy moms, you’ve probably already got this covered. But, this can always use a check-up. Are you planning a vacation? Or, preparing a “Finding Dory” themed birthday party? Set money aside for that. If you haven’t created a budget, there’s no time better than the present. Subtract your bills from your income and delegate the extra cash to savings, financial goals, your kids’ future and more!

